Sunday, August 26, 2012

Kids Do Well if they Can!

Kids Do Well if they Can! WE can do well too!

I would like you to view this video.  It will only take about 4 minutes.  It is powerful professional development and the foundation of our work.  If we are to guide our students on a path of maturity and productivity we have to be the change we want to see in them.  

Kids do well if they can is a difficult concept to operationalize.  

What challenges to you face to bring this concept into your paradigm?  Why is understanding the rationale critical when working with our students?

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Welcome to the Blog!  The one stop shop for feedback, guidance and opportunity to comment on our learning.  The main focus for this blog will be to recognize excellence within the walls of our school.  We will all share in our journey toward excellence and higher achievement.  There will be days when we feel that the road is long steep and full of potholes but if we stick together we can overcome the obstacles.  Our first barrier is helping student learn the skills to be successful at school.  Many teachers have bent over backward to make sure they are 'protecting the success' of students who weren't in the past.  I can think of several 8th grade students who now have had six full days of success.  One person has recieved two WOW certificates in one day!  It is proof that if you say you can you will!

View this film and reflect how many similarities you can find with students.  We are working together to make sure that all of our little birds are NOT left "out in the cold"!
My hope that each day will continue to be successful for all of you.  I know we are running a marathon and we've just began the race.  Just remember you have made a difference in the lives of your students. They've experienced an positive beginning of the year.  We can't get a redo on making the right first impression.

Question for response; did I make a difference for a student this week?  How do I know I did?  What was the evidence?  Realize that because you made this difference the life of that child is better!