Wednesday, December 4, 2013

I Will Survive!

Learning Teams
Formative Assessments
Oh MY!

There are days that feel as if you are in survival mode; I'm sure.  We ask a lot of you and so do your students.  However, there is light at the end of the tunnel; one that is guaranteed not to fall on top of you and smash you flat.  It is the shining light of student self-regulation and higher achievement.  How can you tell?  How will you know?  Just look at your latest District or formative assessment results.  If they are less than what you expect; you have the time, knowledge and ability to change the bottom line.  

Your efforts in learning team will be the difference.

Michael Fullan has written a book titled The Six Secrets of Change.  All Council Bluffs administrators are currently doing it as a book study.  Secret two states: Connect Peers with Purpose.  He says that"the key to achieving a high functioning team lies more in purposeful peer interaction."  You are in groups created for purposeful peer interaction.  One of these groups at Wilson is our sixth grade literacy team.  They move simultaneously with each individual contributing with their own voice and practical application.  An observer can walk into their classroom and see clear evidence of a learning target.  They have seamlessly threaded the target throughout the gradual release process.  You can see Carly deliver a mini lesson with a mentor text, Cassie confer, Brittany comment on writing or Christina lead a group and tell that they are inked arm in arm through the learning team process.  You will notice the target in their language and student work.  Students are knowledgeable and can explain their learning.

Wilson 13-14 look fors re:  Learning Team Process and Student Work.  Evidence can be found the minute you walk into their rooms.  Think about your implementation as compared to this chart.

Element                            Teacher Behavior                Student Behavior              Artifacts

Curriculum/plan implementation/GRR (Phase 1)

I can utilize the workshop model
I can collaborate in learning teams
I can use the curriculum to plan differentiate, meaningful tasks

Students can participate and collaborate in all settings
Students can use accountable talk
goals posted
backward plans
students can restate purpose and objective
common assessments
co constructed anchors

Assessment/Student Work/Feedback
(Phase II)

Teachers will confer and give written and/or oral feedback based on rubrics.  
Students will respond to teacher’s comments, edit the product, justify their responses,and self assess using rubrics.
Student work displays will have a clearly posted focus,rubric and student and/or teacher comments.  

Response/Non-proficient/Tier I/Guide Groups (Phase III)

Teachers will use a variety of the following in order to respond to non-proficient students: guided groups, reteaching in groups, use assessment data for grouping, refer to backward plan, implementing Tier 1 interventions.
Students will peer and self assess, self reflect, restate the learning expectations, and be able to communicate content goals and clarifying questions with the teacher.
co-constructed anchor charts, student work display with feedback, records that record growth and/or areas of struggle.

 The difference in this team is their cohesive plan and meaningful direction.  They navigate the curriculum with laser focus and guide kids to higher achievement.  They react with purpose.   Their results are consistently rising.  They will not rest until they've reached their goals.

Our sixth grade team is engaging in the same process as you are.  You have the capabilities to achieve this level of implementation also.

Individuals working alone are sometimes better at solving simple problems, but well-functioning groups are always better at addressing challenging tasks, and there are few things as complex as making systems work." Fullan  Our problems are not simple.  They are serious and complex and must be solved.

You have the power to make this system work.

Our goal is clear.  
Our path is drawn; the measures designed.  

Use the learning team process and link arms with your colleagues.

You will survive and reach the light!