Wednesday, November 27, 2013



As we reflect on our impact this trimester we need to focus on the growth we've made at Wilson.  After a quick analysis of independent reading pass rates and casual observation of the number of students at celebration yesterday; I've surmised that we have reached nearly 70% pass rate!  This represents a 20% improvement over last year.  Our behavior/referral data is on track for a 80% decrease in the number of incidents since 2011.  Our administrative team shared this data with our school board last night.  I assure you they were impressed!  CONGRATULATIONS TEAM!

We can't stop here, however.  Our efforts need to continue as we capitalize on our success.  Fullan advocates that the change process is inclusive of all stakeholders.  He states, "effective change concerns the involvement of everyone in an effort of meaningful pursuits."  Transparency means being open about results and practices.  Our goal is to collectively identify issues regarding behavior, achievement or climate and respond immediately to them.  It is my job to be forthcoming about data and support you in an effort to make this school more efficient and successful.  WE can not accomplish this alone or in a vacuum.  Through the learning team process, our curriculum and use of formative assessment we intentionally prepare to change the 'bottom line'.  Our response and daily core instruction transforms our profile into that of high implementation/high impact.  It is our duty to continue the charge toward April and the high stakes tests.  Our resolve to improve will sustain us through out the year.  Our trust and relationships in/with one another will support our efforts day to day.  

There is an Irish Blessing that states:
"When I count my blessings; I count you twice."  
This saying is so meaningful and relevant to the work you do each day at Wilson.  There are many students saying this about you also!

What excitement awaits us in the second trimester.  We will reach greater heights then those we've accomplish to date.  What a wonderful reason to be thankful.

Enjoy your much-deserved five day break! 


  1. Wow, we deserved that celebration before break for so many incredible reasons! Congratulations to an amazing staff, who supports one another every day. I truly believe it's that support, alongside our willingness to be open and honest about our practices that are making this monumental change.Looking forward to an amazing second trimester!

  2. The students recognize the difference in behavior as well. Many of them talk about how the school environment is much more under control. Good work everyone!

  3. I was very impressed with the amount of students who made the building goal for Independent Reading in 1st Trimester. That is a lot of pages! I will use this information to motivate students to realize that when we push them (lift them), it isn't for punishment, but to show them what they are truly capable of.

  4. Every day I learn more and more by witnessing the incredible strengths and knowledge of my colleagues. I feel blessed to be surrounded by such an inspirational group of people!!! I had an incredible experience this morning that could have gone terribly awry. I watched how compassion and communication can ease the fear and pain of difficult situations that parents, teachers, and administrators can learn and lean on one and other and connect to help come to a decision that is best for a student. What a learning moment.

  5. Like Alicia, I was definitely impressed by the amount of students who made the goal for Independent Reading. They seemed much more motivated and willing to meet their goals this trimester than some of my students last year. I think that this is because reading has truly become part of our culture here at Wilson, and we are doing a great job of holding kids accountable for their reading. It is important that we continue to work together to hold each other and our students accountable so we can all continue to reach our goals.

  6. Reflecting on this, I see these kids and what they are truly capable of doing. I saw some kids pushed out of their comfort zone to read books they normally wouldn't read. I also know that as challenging as this job is sometimes, we are very fortunate to have each other as teammates and coworkers. There is always some support that we can offer each other, whether it be a solution to a problem or even just a kind word of support. As we continue to help and support each other, we can continue to help and support the kids that we teach.

  7. I shared these great celebrations with the Superintendent's Advisory Committee, and am so grateful to be working in a building with a such focused, passionate leadership team.
